Simple vs compound interest

CAGR Meaning In Stock Market : Magic Of Compounding

If you want to know about CAGR Meaning In Stock Market then you are at the right place!

Do you know that your money will increase more frequently the longer it is invested? When it comes to compounding, the higher return time is an advantage. Your money multiplies faster due to compound interest. It makes a sum of money grow faster than simple interest because you will earn interest on interest.

For example, you invest $1,00,000 and receive a 10% rate of return annually. After one year, you have $1,10,000 to invest, after investing your total money, you receive more return on your 1,10,000 investment 

But do you know CAGR meaning in stock market, If not, then today we will discuss the compound annual growth rate and its formulas. We’ll also talk about a few key ideas and instances.

What Is The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)?

The compound annual growth rate measures your investment’s average annual growth in a particular time. 

The compound annual growth rate is helpful for investors because it precisely measures investment growth in a specific time period.

In other words, the compound annual growth rate is the rate of return required for an investment to grow from its starting balance to its ending balance, assuming the profits were reinvested at the end of every period of the investment’s life span.

Stock market is a game that everyone wants to conquer. But to do that you must know cagr meaning in stock market.

How To Calculate The Compound Annual Growth Rate?

CAGR=(EV/BV)1/N −1×100

BV = beginning value 

EV = ending value

N = number of years

To calculate an investment’s compound annual growth rate

  • Divide the value of an investment at the end of the time period by its value at the beginning of that time.
  • The result is an exponent of one divided by the number of years.
  • Subtract one from the subsequent development.
  • To convert the answer into a percentage, multiply it by 100.

This is the method of calculating the compound annual growth rate.

Importance Of Compound Annual Growth Rate

Importance Of Compound Annual Growth Rate

A compound annual growth rate is essential because it helps individuals and companies measure past returns on investment and estimate the potential future return on their investments. Here are a few points showing the importance of compound annual growth rate.

Comparing investments

You can use compound annual growth rates when comparing different investment types with others. Comparing different investments with this formula may assist you with evaluating which investment brings higher returns.

Calculating growth

You can use a compound annual growth rate to calculate the growth of a single investment without considering the tendency of an investment to grow inconsistently over time. Market volatility often contributes to uneven development, so this measurement emphasises steady investment growth to help you understand an investment’s potential value.

Tracking performance

Companies can use CAGR to track numerous business measures. They can use it to track different companies’ performance against other companies in the same industry. Measuring one and more business performance may help companies realise strengths and weaknesses within the company and the market. 

Estimating future values

You can use a compound annual growth rate to calculate the future values of your investment. This can also help people evaluate the amount of money they are required to invest to achieve their desired rate of return.


People can usually calculate formulas by hand because it is relatively straightforward. The compound annual growth rate measures the return on investment over a specific period. The internal rate also estimates this, but it can be more adaptable than the compound annual growth rate.

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Examples Of CAGR

Example 1:

Let’s assume the gold rate increases like below. Consider at the time of investing it is $15,000. Consider the prices given with year-end prices only. Calculate the compound annual growth rate.

                              A                                    B
Beginning of the year15,000
Number of years3
                              Years             Years ending price
                              2016                      20,000
                              2017                         22.000
                              2018                        23,800
                              2019                        25554


CAGR=(EV / BV)^ 1/N −1×100

CAGR = ( 25554 / 15,000) ^(⅓) -1 *100

            = 19.4%

NOTE: apply all the values in the above equation to find CAGR. There can be confusion in finding the number of years in some cases. We should consider the completed years only if the year-end price is given.

Exampleb 2:

Let’s assume the price of investment increases like the below. Consider the prices are annual. Calculate the CAGR. Consider the amount at the time of investing $4,000.

                                  A                                B
Beginning of the year4000
Numbers of years3
                            Years                       Annual price
                            2013                            6,000
                            2014                            12,000
                            2015                            24,000


CAGR=(EV / BV)^ 1/N −1×100

          = 24,000 / 4,000)^⅓ – 1*100

          = 81.7%


As we read above cagr meaning in stock market, the compound annual growth rate is the rate of return required for an investment to grow from its starting balance to its ending balance. Assuming the profits were reinvested at the end of every period of the investment’s life span. A compound annual growth rate is a beneficial method to calculate the growth rate of an investment. It can be used to evaluate the past returns and estimate the future returns of your assets.

After reading this blog on cagr meaning in stock market , I hope you understand what is cagr meaning in stock market and how to calculate it.I hope this blog is helpful to you.

FAQs Related To Compound Annual Growth Rate

What does 10% CAGR mean?

It is the average rate at which an investment moves from one value to another over time. If a stock appreciates from $100 to $121 over two years, its CAGR is 10%. The $100 became $110 after year 1, and 110 grew by 10% to become 121.

How much CAGR is good for stocks?

The value of a good CAGR percentage will vary with the kind of investment you have made. If your portfolio grows at a CAGR of 18-25 % for equity, you are doing well.

What is a good CAGR?

If you are looking for stable returns by investing in large and strong companies from the financial market, then 8 to 12 is a good CAGR percentage.

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